The world was coming to an end. Something was tearing the earth apart. There was chaos everywehere. People were running around, shouting and screaming.
I was chanting "Om Namoh Shivay.....Om Namoh Shivay.....Om Namoh Shivay..." somewhere. Lord Shiva appeared in front of me. I can not remember how he exactly looked, it was a vague vision. I was thinking that I should not ask for anything. I did not ask for anything.
But he blessed me. He blessed me that nothing could destroy me, no one could look in to my eyes and dominate me.
Then I woke up. It was midnight. My little daughter, who had slept with me was nudging me. She was suffering from tonsil infection. She had high fever. After giving her cetamol, cooling her forhead with water soaked cloth & making her sleep, I lay awake for a long time thinking about the strange dream.
Couple of my friends, upon knowing about this dream of mine have suggested that I should go to Shiva Temple and bow my head today. I agree with them. I am planning to do that on my way back to home.

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